Will It All Go Back To Normal?

Mel Carter
2 min readMar 17, 2021

To think it’s been over a year know since those extra two weeks of Spring Break turned into a year long effect on us as people. The day I had found out what was going on, I was at a Business Convention in Baltimore trying to find out if I was going to win for my work in Microsoft Excel.

I do often question, just how we will be able to adjust back to our “normal lives” once the virus has gone. Certain things such as, blowing on a birthday cake, or shaking hands will never quite be the same due to how cautious we have been this past year.

Social Media has also had a huge increase in users. Tiktok and Youtube have had so much success as children and young teens/adults have used the platforms either out of comfort or bordem. The business and marketing nerd in me can’t help but be completely fascinated by how someone completely out of the spotlight can grow a mass following over the course of a few months just due to the impact of COVID.

I think one thing that has been dubbed the overall savior of this tragic year has been Zoom. I can’t help but clap towards their success as so many people joined, discussed, and praised the service for saving so many things. I have done classes, meetings, dinners, family talks over Zoom and I know the possibilities are endless when it comes to it. Though going back to the title, when the pandemic evidently ends, will Zoom cease to exist? Be a faded memory that we tell our children/grandchildren about when we get to that age? Sounds strange doesn’t it.

Another interesting realization is just how COVID has now interfered with TV and Cinema as a whole. For an example recently, the finale of WandaVision had came out and to see just how much the virus had affected filming felt strange. People were spaced out and while looking at behind the scenes, seeing directors and crew wearing masks felt, well strange. Shows like Grey’s Anatomy and Shamless who have incorporated the virus into their plots have more or less baffaled me. The reason for it being that the show no longer seems like just a show, but like real life. To see TV character’s act out what’s happening when you turn on the new’s or step outside is completely mind boggling and there is no other explanation for it.

I think I’ve rambled enough but you get the idea. With everything changing and adjusting to this new lifestyle we are living through, is it possible for anything to go back to normal? Will we look at this time as something that has shifted the dynamic of humanity or will we see this as just a steep hill to which we eventually reach the top and cruise smoothly back down. I guess time will tell.



Mel Carter

Just a girl with an overthinking brain.